Only built for internet linx
- Something I've been trying to unlearn for years is feeling foolish or unserious when discussing fashion. As my educational focus tilts and shifts, this article returns to my mind. A question looms, however - "do women need fashion to feel empowered?" - posed by Visuology in their review of the "Women Fashion Power: Not a Multiple Choice" exhibit at the Design Museum in London, designed by the brilliant Zaha Hadid.
- "'Yelp reviewers tend to offer unimaginative, useless notes like “The location is great, service is superb, and food is epic.'"
- I spend 40% of my free time wandering around grocery stores so I will automatically read any article about the supermarket and/or how spaces are designed to encourage consumption and/or shopping as a way to construct/reaffirm an identity (shout out to Steven Miles). Of course, issues of class are erased here - there are, after all, people who are not going into the grocery store and accidentally spending an extra $150 - I still thought this Bon Appetit piece was interesting in that it showcases how much effort is put forth to make those who can, do.
- SMGDH at you and these Ferragamo rip offs, Kate Spade.
- "In these future cities, those who own the operating system will be those who own the property, the money, and the means of production. By owning your Sim data, they will own you. It is towards these relations of power and data — the power to engineer life itself — that we should turn our attention...We should ask not what our ideal city on SimCity, LivingPlanIT, or some other Urban OS would look like, but what our ideal urban simulator would be. Given this or that operating system, who does the city work for and who works for the city? No longer is the goal to design an urban imaginary: you must now code the game."
- Geneva is the city with the most expensive hotel club sandwiches for some reason.
- The tone of this Daily Mail article about Aretha Franklin is so maddening - how can one be so flippant about abuse? JK I know why.
- "...jalapeno cheeseburgers, chicken enchiladas, barbecue, cinnamon rolls and pies. But no chocolate-chip cookies."
- I know I'm late to the Stevie Wonder truthers party but this made me laugh out loud several times while in a crowded subway car, so.
- On Susan Sontag's digital archives.
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